
Showing posts from 2009

Google App Engine Datastore "IN" operator

First time film processing...

Druid Street Cycles - best LBS in London?

Desert Island Discs for the non-celebs

Django template urlencode unicode characters (Google App Engine)

GPolyline decoding in Python

Javascript Tester iGoogle gadget

Twitter Search API and Google App Engine

Using Twitter as a commenting engine for Zoom around Town

Circle overlay on Google Map

Zoom around Town is live!

Datastore Bulk Upload + ReferenceProperty in Google App Engine

GWT Tips 3 - Popups and IE8

GWT and Spring Security - sample demo download

OSGi - the next big thing? (a beginner's view)

Bombay Dreams

Shek O 石澳 bouldering

GWT Tips 2 - nocache.js getting cached in browser

Spring Tips 1 - reading encrypted passwords in properties file

GWT Tips 1 - Chain of Responsibility

GWT and Spring Security

GWT Spring Integration - using ContextLoaderListener